Police Blotter, December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025

Police Blotter, December 27, 2024 - January 2, 2025

Among other activities this week, an Anacortes Police officer stopped a 12-year-old riding an off-road motorcycle without license plates.

Friday, December 27, 2024

An Anacortes woman reported that her neighbor lets their dog go potty in the yard and does not clean it up. She said she has contacted the property manager and requested that the issue be documented by the police.

An officer was observing traffic and noticed a vehicle driving westbound on Stevenson Road. The driver’s driving status returned via dispatch as suspended/revoked in the third degree. The officer initiated a traffic stop, and the vehicle appeared to speed up as it saw the officer pull onto the road. The vehicle eventually stopped on Molly Lane. The officer exited his patrol vehicle and explained the reason for the stop, confirmed the driver’s identity and learned that he had a further unconfirmed warrant out of Island County for second-degree driving with a suspended license. The officer placed the man under arrest of driving with a suspended license and read him his Miranda Rights, which he did not invoke. The officer completed a citation and completed a vehicle impound waiver as the vehicle was legally parked. The officer released the man from custody.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

An Anacortes woman called to report that her ex was harassing her and kept knocking on the door of the hotel room she was staying in. She said the man was associated with a white Mercedes-Benz. Officers arrived and spoke to the woman, who explained that she and the man were living together in a vehicle. She said he routinely physically abuses/assaults her and that the most recent instance had been earlier that day.  She said she accused him of looking at someone else, and that an argument ensued, and he punched her in the face. Ultimately, officers located the man following a collision he was involved in and arrested him on an investigative hold for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and harassment/threats to kill (domestic violence). Officers booked the man into jail on an investigative hold. The woman had indicated that she was afraid for her safety and for the safety of her children; officers placed her in contact with a Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services advocate.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

An Anacortes man called and explained that he was stuck behind the fence at a local storage unit company. Officers responded and let him out of the business.

Monday, December 30, 2024

An Anacortes woman called to report a theft of lawn art from the 5200 block of Doon Way. The woman told the responding officer said decorative glass bottles had been taken from a log, as well as some glass plates in the form of a stacked flower. The items were valued at about $125 in total. The officer documented the theft and requested additional overnight patrols in the area.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

An officer observed a subject on an offroad motorcycle pass the officer’s patrol car on 41st Street heading in the opposite direction. Its operator repeatedly looked back at the patrol car, and the officer observed that the bike did not have a license plate. The officer initiated a traffic stop, activating emergency lights and sirens as the bike drove. The driver eventually attempted to make a tight right turn over the sidewalk to access D Avenue, but he dumped the bike after losing control on the shoulder. The officer exited his patrol vehicle and cautioned the driver against making any further poor decisions and directed him to remove his helmet. The driver identified himself as a 12-year-old Anacortes boy. The boy’s father was contacted, and he arrived and picked up the boy, saying he and the boy’s mother would resolve the matter.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

An officer was dispatched to a prowler complaint taking place in the 7600 block of State Route 20. The reporting party advised that several suspects pulled into the parking lot, exited their vehicles and tried to pry open the doors of the business with negative results. One of the subjects then kicked the door, resulting in it being dented. The man estimated that it would cost about $700 to repair. The officer documented the damage and requested the reporting party send video of the prowlers.