This week, Anacortes Police took multiple reports of mail theft and package theft.
Police Beat
Anacortes Police
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Anacortes Police
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Among other activities this week, an Anacortes officer stopped a 12-year-old riding an off-road motorcycle without license plates.
Anacortes Police
4 minutes read
A puppy left, then found at a coffee shop on Christmas Day.
Anacortes Police
3 minutes read
Anacortes Police responded to a number of incidents, including a report of both red and green traffic lights on at the same time.
Anacortes Police
4 minutes read
A Skyline theft. Was it the Burrows Island Bandit? Check the Anacortes Police blotter.
Anacortes Police
3 minutes read
Anacortes Police this week chased a speeding car where the driver was turning his lights on and off. Just one of a number of police activities this week.
Anacortes Police
4 minutes read
Anacortes Police this week investigated car prowls, a cybercrime and an apparently unsuccessful retail break-in.