Police Blotter, December 13 - 19, 2024

Police Blotter, December 13 - 19, 2024

Anacortes Police responded to a number of incidents, including a report of both red and green traffic lights on at the same time.

Friday, December 13, 2024

Officers were dispatched to a domestic violence complaint in the 2000 block of Commercial Avenue. The reporting party said that he heard neighbors screaming, slamming, a thud, and cries for help. Officers contacted a woman sitting in her car, who told officers that her boyfriend was trying to earn money through a food delivery service. She said she asked him to pick up some food for her, and he became angry, and he would not leave when she asked him to. She indicated that there was no physical contact between the two in the incident, and no damage to property. The woman said the man did throw his own phone and broke it, but there was no other damage to property, no weapons involved, and the woman had no injuries. The man provided the same account of what had happened. The two were provided with domestic-violence resources and the corresponding case number. Officers stood by and allowed the man to vent for about 10 minutes, until his mother called and calmed him down further.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

The reported fire was not actually a fire. A tenant at a building in the 1000 block of 32nd Street burnt their eggs, and the on-duty security guard called 911 when they saw smoke coming from the room.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Dispatch advised of a disorderly complaint at an Anacortes bar. An employee called and reported that a customer was intoxicated and being disruptive to others. Officers contacted the woman, who was obviously intoxicated. Officers completed a trespass notice, and nothing criminal was reported. The woman refused to sign the trespass notice.

Monday, December 16, 2024

An officer was dispatched to a reported malicious mischief complaint in the 1600 block of Broadview Drive. The reporting party said over the past several days, someone had been entering his yard and cutting the electrical cords to his Christmas decorations. He advised that his wife had been fixing the cord as needed. He did not have any suspect information and wanted to advise officers that this had occurred.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Photo credit: Facebook

An Anacortes man reported that a traffic light was displaying both red and green light signals simultaneously. Officers arrived and found this to be true. An officer pointed out some fresh damage to the guardrail on the northwest side of the intersection at R Avenue and Highway 20 Spur. Officers also smelled something consistent with burnt plastic and checked the Department of Transportation control box, which was open and had water pooling inside from the overnight rain. It was unclear how the box came to be open. Officers located a sticker with a devil wearing a pink smiley face, but it was unclear if it was related to the control box being open.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

The reporting party called to report her black Scottie dog had gone missing. Her son called back later and confirmed the dog had been found.