Someone used a large rock to break out a passenger window of a car parked at a home in the 5700 block of Kingsway on Tuesday, May 18. The unknown prowler then stole a Garmin brand GPS valued at $250. he windshield damage was also estimated at $250. Later that night, a pickup parked in the 2200 block of 24th Street had window smashed out and a Garmin brand GPS unit valued at $205 stolen from inside. A large chunk of concrete had been used to break the glass. Again on Tuesday, a pickup parked curbside in the 1800 block of O Avenue had a windshield smashed out with a large rock that was found inside on the floorboard. Stolen form inside was a dash mounted Garmin GPS unit that was valued at $250. Repair cost for the window was also estimated at $250.
Here are some of the other cases Anacortes Police worked this week.
Friday, May 14
A van that had been parked curbside in the 1200 block of 22nd Street had the driver’s door window broken out. There was nothing left at the scene to indicate what had broken the glass. The damage was estimated at $250.
A resident of the 2200 block of 35th Street reported that mail he had put in his box for next day pickup by the Postal Service had been stolen. The stolen mail included 2 checks and a movie being returned. The victim also said that he had spoken with a neighbor who also was missing some mail.
The mother of a 50-year-old Anacortes woman reported that her daughter had violated the terms of a domestic violence protection order by calling the mother approximately 20 times. The order stemmed from a recent incident where the daughter allegedly smashed some of her mother’s dishes, and the order prohibited the daughter from contacting the mother, including by telephone. Officers contacted the daughter at a home on Marine Drive and confirmed the calls had originated from the daughter’s cell phone. The daughter was arrested and booked in to jail for violating the order.
A 55-year-old Anacortes man was taken into custody for investigation of theft after he allegedly stole some cassette tapes from a business in the 2000 block of Commercial Avenue. The man admitted to taking the tapes. An officer then located a small baggy of marijuana inside of a pill bottle in the man’s possession during a search incident to his arrest. The man had allegedly offered an employee to trade the marijuana for the tapes, but the employee had refused. The owner of the business did not want to pursue theft charges, but the man was cited for possession of marijuana prior to being released.
An officer stopped a pickup in the 2800 block of D Avenue for driving at night without using headlights. The driver, a 46-year-old Anacortes man, smelled strongly of intoxicants, had slurred speech and watery eyes, and fumbled for his driver’s license. The driver said that he had “a couple of beers.” The driver failed field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest for drunk driving. An open can of beer was also found inside of the vehicle. The driver was taken to the police station for processing where he admitted he had “4” beers. He provided breath samples that were a little under twice the legal limit. He was issued a citation for DUI and released to his wife.
Saturday, May 15
A 34-year-old Anacortes man was arrested at a business in the 1100 block of Commercial Avenue after he allegedly concealed and tried to steal a drill. The business owner had detained the man and the drill fell out of the man’s coat. An employee also recognized the man as someone who had shoplifted from the business previously. A 25-year-old Burlington woman was also contacted outside of the business standing next to a van the man had arrived in. The woman allowed an officer to check her purse and several items of drug paraphernalia, marijuana, a small amount of suspected heroin, and numerous pills were found inside. The woman also informed officers that that there were stolen articles of clothing inside of the van from retail stores believed to be located in Burlington. The woman said that the man steals items to pay for drugs. It was further learned that there was a valid domestic violence protection order that prohibited the man from having contact with the woman. The man was booked into jail for violating the protection order and his van was seized for application of a search warrant to check for stolen property. Additional charges are pending against the man and woman for the theft and drug activity.
Officers responded to the report of a fight involving a large number of juveniles in a parking lot in the 900 block of 11th Street. The fight had broken up prior to officer’s arrival, but an officer stopped a car associated with the complaint several blocks away. It was learned that the altercation had been verbal only, but a 17-year-old Anacortes boy who was a passenger in the car smelled of alcohol, had bloodshot eyes, and showed other indicators of alcohol consumption. The boy admitted he had a “few sips” and was placed under arrest. He was released to his father and referred to juvenile court on charges of underage drinking.
A woman walking in the 3400 block of R Avenue discovered a baggy of marijuana on the sidewalk. She was concerned about children finding the drug so she took the baggy home and called the police. An officer retrieved the item for destruction.
A 22-year-old Oak Harbor woman was arrested at the Cap Sante viewpoint after she was contacted for being at the park after closing hours and it was learned that she had a warrant for her arrest. The warrant was out of a Marysville court for a previous theft charge. The woman was turned over to a Marysville Police officer for booking into jail in Snohomish County.
Sunday, May 16
A private security guard for the Waterfront Festival reported a group of four juveniles going in and out of some of the vendor tents during the night. The guard had witnessed the juveniles unzipping and entering some of the tents. When the police were summoned, the unknown juveniles were gone. Police later spoke with vendors and learned that two fuzzy goose marionettes valued at $15 each had been stolen from one booth and six spring loaded clamps that were used to secure the rigging of another tent were missing. A couple of other booths had been entered, but nothing was found to be missing.
A car parked in the 1100 block of 29th Street had mustard squirted on the hood and the gas cap door bent backwards. The gas cap was also missing but it was later found by a neighbor. The passenger door was also found ajar, but nothing was missing from inside.
An officer recognized a 17-year-old Anacortes boy walking in the 1400 block of Commercial Avenue and confirmed that the boy had a warrant for his arrest for a previous MIP arrest. The boy was arrested and booked into juvenile detention on the warrant.
A woman living in the 3900 block of W. 5th Street reported that she had gotten into an argument with her 19-year-old son, but that she didn’t want the police to respond. Officers located the son walking in the neighborhood and he said that he had gotten mad at his mother for his belief that she had taken his cheese. The mother reportedly told the son to leave but that he ignored her and tried to go upstairs. The mother then grabbed the son at which time he allegedly pushed her. The son was determined to be the primary aggressor and he was arrested and booked into jail for domestic violence assault.
Monday, May 17
A 19-year-old man was arrested at his home in the 2100 block of 19th Street on an outstanding felony warrant for two previous counts of motor vehicle theft. He was booked into the county jail.
Tuesday, May 18
A resident of the 4000 block of I Avenue reported that her car had been prowled during the nighttime hours. The victim had left a window rolled down on the car. Stolen was a floral designed bag that contained personal financial information for the victim and her family. She was instructed to notify her bank and the credit reporting agencies. The victim also said that her family had some fishing poles and tackled stolen from the back of their pickup the previous month, but that they had not reported the theft to the police at that time.
A woman suspected her 28-year-old ex-boyfriend of entering her apartment in the 1300 block of H Avenue while she was away and ripping up some of her clothing. Later that same day, police responded to her home after a neighbor reported hearing a domestic disturbance. The woman told police that her ex had walked into her apartment a short time earlier in a very emotional state and had tried to hug her. The woman said that he also apologized for ripping up her clothes. She said that she pushed him away and told him to leave and that a shouting match then ensued. The man then left prior to police arrival. A domestic violence protection order was in effect that prohibited the man from having contact with the woman and the man also had a misdemeanor warrant for his arrest. Police are looking for the man who faces charges of violating the protection order and domestic violence malicious mischief.
The girlfriend of a 22-year-old man said that they had been in an argument at a home in the 1300 block of Broadview Drive over a car registration. The man then left and the woman locked him out of the house. The man returned to the house, pounded on the front door, and allegedly kicked out a panel on the garage door. He then allegedly kicked and damaged a kitchen door while the girlfriend hid in her room until the man left again. Police attempted to locate the man, but were unsuccessful. He was then sent a court summons for domestic violence malicious mischief.
A Mariner 9.9-horsepower outboard motor was reported to have been stolen from a boat that was moored at a marina in the 2000 block of Skyline Way. The value of the motor was unknown and there are no suspects.
An 8-foot red and green colored wooden row boat with two paddles valued at $200 was stolen from Whistle Lake. The victims had chained the boat to a tree the previous day, and when they returned the boat was missing. One of the paddles was found broken on the trail to the lake. Police checked with the Parks Department, but their staff had not removed the boat.
A 29-year-old Anacortes man was issued a citation for possession of marijuana after an officer stopped his car for driving at night with no lights on and smelled the odor of marijuana. The officer asked the man where the marijuana was, and the man answered “in my pocket.” The man then removed a baggy of marijuana from his sweatshirt pocket and it was seized as evidence. He was released after receiving his citation.
Wednesday, May 19
A witness reported seeing the driver a car open a beer when he pulled out of a parking lot on Commercial Avenue. The witness provided the license number and the registered owner of the car was shown to have a suspended driver’s license. An officer stopped the car and State Route 20 and confirmed the driver as a 49-year-old Anacortes man. An opened pack of beer was found in the car, but the man was not under the influence. He was arrested for suspended driving and having a warrant for a previous suspended driving offense. He was later cited and released as the jail would not accept him for booking.
The owners of a home in the 600 block of Saint Mary’s Drive discovered the outer pane to a double pane glass patio door had been shattered while they had been away from home for the day. It did not appear that entry had been made into the home and there was no evidence at the scene of what was used to break the glass. Damage to the glass was estimated at $300.
Officers received information that a 16-year-old Anacortes boy who had a warrant for his arrest was at Heart Lake. An officer recognized and contacted the boy at the lake, but the boy repeatedly told the officer he was someone else. The boy finally admitted his true identity and said that he had lied because he “just didn’t want to go to jail.” The boy was booked into juvenile detention on the warrant which stemmed from violating terms of probation, and he was also charges with obstructing for lying about his identity.
Thursday, May 20
The owner of a Ford pickup that was parked in the 500 block of I Avenue discovered that the fill hose to the gas tank had been cut. The victim said that no fuel appeared to be missing, but the repair cost to replace the hose was estimated at $200.
A 19-year-old Anacortes woman was arrested for domestic violence assault after she allegedly punched her father in the nose at an apartment in the 2000 block of 11th Street. The punch caused a cut to the bridge of the father’s nose. The father had arrived at the daughter’s home to pick her up for an appointment and an argument ensued over a male guest that was at the home. The woman then suddenly punched her father in the nose and fled the apartment. She was seen a short time later walking in the area and was placed under arrest and booked into jail.
A 47-year-old man who had been hired to mow the lawn at a home in the 3300 block of Field Avenue was bitten by one of two Boston Terriers that broke out of their dog pen on the property and attacked him. The more aggressive dog kept biting at him until he was able to run to his truck. A neighbor heard the man yelling for help and was able to get the dogs back into their pen. The man suffered puncture wounds to his knee and was treated at a local clinic. The Animal Control Officer later advised the dog’s owner that she would be deeming the more aggressive dog a “potentially dangerous” animal.
Someone entered an apartment in the 800 block of 28th Street by splitting the door screen and stole a Nintendo Wii game console and six video games. Two game controllers and a set of gaming nun-chucks were also taken. The total loss was estimated at approximately $575.