The girl said that she could not hear everything the man was saying to her because of noise from passing cars and her talking on a cell phone. The girl thought she heard the man say something about “strippers” but he drove away after she declined his offers to get in his car. The man was described as being in his 50’s or 60’s with short white scruffy hair and a short white beard. His car was described as a smaller 90’s gold or tan colored car with rectangular body shape and some type of rack attached to the trunk.
Here are some of the other cases Anacortes Police worked this week.
Friday, April 30
A witness who saw 2 unknown teenaged boys rifling around inside of his friend’s car in the 1100 block of 29th Street chased after the boys and caught one of them. The boy denied taking anything from the car and showed the witness that his pockets were empty. The second boy dropped his coat as he fled and he got away. The vehicle owner called the police a few days later after discovering that she was missing a jewelry box from her car that contained a white gold bracelet with five diamond heart pendants valued at $100 and a silver bracelet valued at $10. The boys’ identities are unknown.
Saturday, May 1
An officer contacted 3 people stumbling up Commercial Avenue who appeared to be intoxicated. The 2 males were over 21, but the one female was identified as an 18-year-old Anacortes resident. The woman smelled of alcohol and admitted she had a “couple of sips.” She consented to a breath test that showed she had substantially more than that. She was advised that she was under arrest for underage drinking and she pulled away from officers and tried to run. Officers grabbed her arms and she resisted their efforts to handcuff her. She was handcuffed and she then admitted she had been drinking whiskey. She was issued a citation for MIP and resisting arrest and released.
A 24-year-old Burlington man was arrested in a parking lot in the 1100 block of 12th Street on a “no-bail” warrant for a previous possession of marijuana charge. He was booked into jail.
As officers were taking the above man to jail, they saw a group of people fighting in the 2000 block of Commercial Avenue. Involved in the fight were the 18-year-old woman who had been arrested a short time earlier for MIP, her 40-year-old mother, and the mother’s 24-year-old boyfriend. Officers saw the man punch the 18-year-old in the side of the head. Both women walked towards a nearby motel room and ignored officer’s requests to stop. The mother dropped a bent golf club as she walked away. The women continued to be uncooperative but officers were able to learn that the 3 people lived together in the motel room and had been arguing about the man being intoxicated. The man was seen punching the daughter, and he also said that the mother had hit him across the back with the golf club because she was “protecting” her daughter. Nobody wanted to pursue any charges, but the man and the mother were both arrested for domestic violence assault and booked into jail.
A pickup parked in the 1600 block of 39th Street was keyed during nighttime hours. The passenger door had numerous scratches to the paint. The vehicle owner was suspicious of his wife’s friend who had been at the home. The matter is under further investigation.
A hit-and-run was reported to an SUV that was parked in a lot in the 3000 block of Commercial Avenue. An unknown vehicle appeared to have struck the SUV in the rear bumper causing an estimated $1,500 in damage.
Sunday, May 2
A 31-year-old Anacortes man was issued a criminal citation for public indecency after an officer saw him urinating near an ally outside of a convenience store in the 1100 block of 12th Street. The man was extremely intoxicated and denied having urinated even though his pants were wet in the crotch and his belt was miss-looped. The man was released after signing his citation.
An officer stopped a car for speeding on Commercial Avenue and learned that the 41-year-old male driver from Burlington had a suspended driver’s license. An officer recognized a passenger in the car as a 37-year-old Burlington man who had two warrants for his arrest including a felony warrant for harassment. The male passenger was placed under arrest along with a 23-year-old female passenger who also had a warrant for a previous theft charge. Both passengers were booked into jail on their warrants and the driver was issued a citation for suspended driving.
The owner of a Ford van parked in the 2500 block of H Avenue heard the sound of breaking glass and went outside to investigate. The owner discovered that someone had smashed out several of the windows on the van. A neighbor had witnessed the vandalism and said that the suspects were two teenaged males approximately 16 to 18 years old who had left the scene in a gray colored car. The witness said that one of the men had used a baseball bat to break the glass. The suspects are unknown at this time.
A resident of the 1700 block of Baker View Court reported that someone had stolen a Dyson brand vacuum cleaner valued at $300 from the home. The victim suspected a family member of taking the item.
The fuel line to a boat parked in the 1800 block of 36th Street was cut and a 5-gallon gas can on the boat stolen. The loss was estimated at $100. There are no suspects.
Monday, May 3
A red 6-horsepower Kawasaki lawnmower was stolen from a covered storage area at a home in the 2300 block of 25th Street. The lawn mower was valued at $675. The victim also reported that approximately 3 weeks earlier, someone had stolen a gas powered leaf blower from the same location.
A 28-year-old Fidalgo Island man was booked into jail on burglary and felony drug charges after he was arrested on suspicion of stealing approximately $2,500 in miscellaneous jewelry and approximately $1,500 in foreign currency from his parents’ home in the 1900 block of 10th Street. The victims had been on vacation and their son did not have permission to be inside their home. Another family member had earlier discovered the son and an unidentified woman sleeping in a bedroom at the house. The son returned to the house while police were present and he was arrested. He admitted to taking the jewelry and money and he provided a location for the items. He also was seen trying to cover a baggy he had dropped on the floor with his foot, and the baggy was found to contain suspected methamphetamine. He also had 4 warrants for his arrest including one with a ten-day jail commit. The son claimed he did not know the identity of the woman who had been with him at the house.
A Middle School student reported that her iPod and her digital camera had been stolen from the locker room while she had been in gym class. The victim provided the names of two 14-year-old girls who were also students as possible suspects. An officer contacted one of the suspects at her home and she admitted that she had been present in the locker room when the other suspect had stolen cameras, iPods, and cash from other students’ backpacks. The first suspect provided the officer with one of the stolen cameras. An officer contacted the second suspect who admitted to stealing a camera and a mp3 player, but she denied taking any other items. The second suspect claimed the first suspect had stolen the other items. The officer recovered a camera and the mp3 player. The two girls face possible charges of theft and possession of stolen property.
The victim of an earlier vehicle prowl saw 2 male teens walking past his house in the 1300 block of 29th Street with one of the teens wearing the victim’s sweatshirt and carrying the victim’s stolen backpack. The victim and 2 other men chased the 2 suspects and caught them near the 1100 block of 27th Court. The victim removed his backpack and sweatshirt from the one suspect and told them to wait as the police were on the way. The 2 suspects then jumped a fence and fled. Officers searched the area but were unable to locate the suspects. In checking the recovered backpack, officers and the victim located stolen items belonging to the victim along with other items of unknown ownership that were believed to have been stolen during other vehicle prowls. These items included 3 pairs of binoculars, a men’s watch, and 2 small boxes containing assorted jewelry. Police are trying to identify the suspects.
Officers responded to a home in the 1300 block of H Avenue regarding the report of a woman screaming inside of the residence. Officers spoke with a 27-year-old woman who was crying and who was also the protected person in a domestic violence court order that prohibited her 28-year-old boyfriend from having contact with her. A search of the home found the man hiding in a closet crawl space. He was placed under arrest and a small amount of marijuana was found in his pocket. He was booked into jail for violating the protection order and for possession of marijuana.
Tuesday, May 4
The tire to a Jeep parked in the 1100 block of 27th Court was punctured with an unknown sharp tool. Replacement cost for the tire was estimated at $130 and the vandal is unknown.
A 25-year-old Anacortes woman was sent a court summons for violating a no-contact order after she allegedly stopped outside of an apartment in the 1100 block of 24th Street and photographed a car. The court order prohibited the woman from being near the home which was rented by her former boyfriend.
The Juvenile Court Prosecutor is reviewing possible charges against a 15-year-old boy who allegedly threw a printer across a room at an apartment in the 800 block of 29th Street. The boy also allegedly pushed his mother out of his way as he was leaving the apartment. The mother had no marks or injuries, but the printer was broken.
An iPod touch valued at $200 was stolen from a backpack that had been left in an unlocked locker at the Anacortes Middle School.
A 42-year-old man suffered a laceration to his nose after his wife of 4 months allegedly punched him at their home in the 900 block of 25th Street. The man said that his wife was intoxicated and that they had been arguing which resulted in the woman hitting him in the nose. The wife had left the home prior to officer arrival and attempts to locate her that night were unsuccessful. She was later issue a court summons for domestic violence assault.
Wednesday, May 5
An officer stopped a car driven by a 17-year-old Burlington girl on State Route 20 near Reservation Road for a turn signal violation and also because the girl’s license was suspended from a previous DUI. The girl smelled of alcohol although she claimed she had not been drinking, but she provided a portable breath sample that showed she had been drinking. The girl was placed under arrest. A 19-year-old female passenger in the car from Sedro-Woolley also admitted that she had been drinking. She was also holding an open can of malt liquor called “Dragon Joose.” The passenger also confirmed that driver had been drinking. The passenger was cited for MIP and released. The girl was taken to the police station for DUI processing. She was issued a citation for drunk driving and driving with a suspended driver’s license. She was released to her mother.
A 52-year-old Anacortes woman was mailed a citation for theft after it was reported that she had left a restaurant in the 500 block of Commercial Avenue without paying for her food and a couple of alcoholic drinks that totaled approximately $37. The woman had told the waitress that she couldn’t find her wallet and that she would return the next day to pay for the meal. The woman never returned although she was contacted by phone several times but always made excuses why she couldn’t pay.
A 14-year-old Anacortes girl was referred to Juvenile Court on charges of possession of marijuana after she was caught with a small amount of the drug at the Middle School. School officials had received a tip that the girl was in possession of marijuana, and a small amount was found in her backpack when it was searched by school staff.
An 81-year-old Anacortes man suffered a scrape to his arm but was not seriously injured after he was struck by a car backing out of a parking space at a store parking lot in the 900 block of 11th Street. The car was driven by another 81-year-old Anacortes man.
A 42-year-old woman was booked into jail for domestic violence assault after she allegedly kicked her boyfriend during the course of an argument. Officers learned that they had been arguing over cigarettes and possible misuse of prescription medication by the woman. The woman said the kick had been accidental but the man said it had been intentional.
A 77-year-old Anacortes woman was ticketed for failure to yield the right of way to a pedestrian and having no insurance after the car she was driving struck a 20-year-old Anacortes man who was crossing 24th Street at Commercial Avenue. The woman had been turning left from Commercial Avenue onto 24th Street and had been inattentive. The man suffered a broken leg as the result of being hit by the car.
Thursday, May 6
A 33-year-old Anacortes man was arrested in the 2200 block of 14th Street on an outstanding felony warrant for a previous drug violation. He was booked into the county jail.
A van owned by a business in the 12500 block of Christianson Road had its gas cap stolen and the fuel line cut. Approximately 15 gallons of gas were believed to have been siphoned from the tank. The repair cost and loss was estimated at $300.
Friday, May 7
An officer stopped a car in the 1900 block of 10th Street after seeing it fail to stop at two different stop signs. The driver smelled strongly of alcohol and was identified as a 27-year-old Anacortes man. When asked for his license, the driver handed the officer the license of a female passenger. The driver then said that he did not have a license. He did have slurred speech, watery eyes, and admitted to drinking four glasses of beer. He failed field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest for drunk driving. He was taken to the police station where he provided breath samples that were a little under twice the legal limit. He was issued a citation for DUI and driving with a suspended driver’s license and released.
A neighbor to a business in the 2900 block of T Avenue discovered a broken front window and an open door on the building. Police checked the building but located no one inside. The business owner responded and said they would have to perform an inventory to determine if anything was actually missing. Damage to the window was estimated at $175.