The Police Blotter, April 24, 2010

Police arrested the man at a home in the 1700 block of 11th Street. The man allegedly arrived intoxicated at a house where he had previously lived, then urinated all over the floors, and intentionally broke a bedroom door.  A woman living at the house tried to call the police, but the man allegedly pushed the woman down and broke the phone cord to disable the phone.  The man resisted officers’ attempts to detain him and he intentionally elbowed an officer in the nose.  After the man was handcuffed and placed into a patrol car, he attempted to kick out the windows.  On the way to the jail, the man repeatedly told the officers that he was going to burn their houses down, rape and kill their wives, beat their children bloody, and then kill the officers. 

Here are other cases the Anacortes Police worked during the week.

Friday, April 16

Police are investigating the complaint that a neighbor had illegally tapped into a woman’s phone service in the 4600 block of Devonshire Drive.  A phone company technician had been called to the home regarding problems with the phone service, and discovered that the neighboring home had connected to the woman’s service.  Police are looking to speak with the neighbor, as he also has a warrant for his arrest. 

An outdoor flood light and 100 feet of electrical cord were reported stolen from outside of a home in the 3500 block of Oakes Avenue.  

A recycling bin was stolen from in front of a house in the 4200 block of Marine Heights Way.  A security camera showed 2 unknown young men arriving in a light colored station wagon taking the bin.  A neighbor later reported his recycling bin had also been stolen.

A 27-year-old woman was arrested outside of her home in the 4000 block of w. 4th Street on an outstanding warrant for failing to appear in court on a previous negligent driving charge.  She was booked into jail. 

A Sony digital camera valued at $1,900, a black leather camera case valued at $65, and 19 Canadian gold coins valued at $2,000 were stolen from inside of an SUV that had been parked in the 800 block of M Avenue.  The victim said that the vehicle had been locked, but there was no sign of forced entry.  The suspect is unknown at this time.

A 15-year-old Anacortes boy and a 17-year-old Fidalgo Island boy were referred to Juvenile Court on assault charges after they had met at a park on 32nd Street to fight.  The boys arrived each accompanied by friends but decided to try and peacefully work out their issues over a bottle of vodka the older boy allegedly had brought.  The meeting then became violent when the older boy pushed a girl that had come with the younger boy, and the two boys began fighting.  A vodka bottle was found near the older boy but he denied bringing it to the park.  The older was also charged with MIP. 

A hit-and-run accident was reported behind a restaurant in the 900 block of 10th Street.  A Chevy pickup that had been parked was allegedly struck by a dark purple Honda Element as it backed out of a parking space damaging the Chevy’s bumper.  Witnesses said that the Honda then sped away.  The driver of the Honda was reported to be an older man wearing a flannel shirt.  The license for the Honda was unknown. 

Saturday, April 17

Unknown vandals reportedly put cake icing, Vaseline, syrup, and toilet paper on a car that was parked in the driveway at a home in the 2300 block of G Avenue. 

A red Specialized Hardrock men’s bicycle valued at $250 and a cream colored Specialized Hotrock girl’s bike valued at $150 were stolen from a home in the 4000 block of Whistle Lake Road.  The bikes had reportedly been locked inside of a kennel and the chain and lock to the kennel were also missing. 

A 54-year-old Puyallup man was arrested for drunk driving after an officer stopped the car the man was driving for not having its headlights on while driving at night on Commercial Avenue.  The man had slurred speech, smelled of alcohol, and displayed other indicators of intoxication.  The man said that he was driving to his motel after having a “few drinks.”  The man declined to perform field sobriety tests and became somewhat angry with the officer.  He was placed under arrest for drunk driving and transported to the police station where he exhibited several mood swings including increased anger. He told the officer that he should be out catching “real criminals.”  The man provided breath samples that showed his blood alcohol to be twice the legal limit.  He was issued a citation for DUI (a real crime) and released at his motel.    

Sunday, April 18

An officer contacted a 30-year-old Anacortes man walking in the 1000 block of H Avenue when the officer responded to the report of a possible “gunshot.”  The man had several sparkers taped together and he told the officer he had watched a You Tube video about making a sparkler “flare.”  The officer was familiar with similar sparkler “bombs” and knew they would actually make a loud bang when ignited.  The device was confiscated and the man was warned about his behavior.   

An officer stopped a Chevy pickup driven by a 50-year-old Anacortes man in the 1200 block of M Avenue for an equipment violation and smelled the odor of alcohol on the man despite his efforts to mask the odor by smoking rapidly.  The man also handed the officer a debit card when asked for his license.  The man failed field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest fro drunk driving.  The man was processed and provided breath samples that were significantly over the legal limit.  He was issued a citation for DUI and released. 

An officer stopped a car in the 1100 block of 10th Street for speeding on O Avenue and having expired license tabs.  The driver, a 24-year-old Seattle man, smelled of intoxicants and admitted he had a “couple” of beers.  He performed poorly on field sobriety tests and was arrested.  The man allegedly told the officer that he knew he was over the legal limit and had been speeding to get away from the officer when he saw the police car.  The man provided breath samples that were just under twice the legal limit.  He was issued a citation for DUI and released to a sober friend. 

A 44-year-old Oak Harbor man suffered a bruised leg after the motorcycle he was driving struck one of two dogs that ran out in front of him on State Route 20 near Gibraltar Road.  The man’s motorcycle sustained minor damage, but the dog was killed.  The Skagit County Sheriff’s Office was also notified as the accident occurred in their jurisdiction. 

A 48-year-old woman was taken into custody at a motel room in the 2000 block of Commercial Avenue on a warrant for failing to appear in court on a previous DUI charge.  The warrant had a 30-day jail commit and the woman was booked into the county jail. 

A 19-year-old Anacortes man was arrested for DUI after an officer stopped the pickup he was driving in the 2100 block of 32nd Street for weaving over the fog line and an equipment violation.  The driver had a strong odor of intoxicants, slurred speech, and appeared groggy.  The driver initially said that he had not been drinking, but that admitted he lied and had a couple of beers earlier at Washington Park.  The driver performed poorly on the majority of the field sobriety tests and with the lower “Minor DUI” threshold he was placed under arrest.  The driver provided breath samples that were over the legal limit for someone under age 21, and he was cited and released for DUI.  

Monday, April 19

A Sony laptop computer valued at $500 was stolen from a desktop inside of an office at a church in the 1000 block of 10th Street.  The office was believed to have been locked at the time of the theft and the matter is under further investigation.  

A Mercury 9.9-horsepower long shaft outboard motor was stolen off of a boat that was in dry storage in the 2400 block of T Avenue.  The motor was valued at $2,000.  

The outer panes of two windows at an apartment in the 3100 block of R Avenue were shattered after apparently being shot by BB’s.  An officer spoke with a 13-year-old neighbor boy who denied causing the damage, but volunteered to pay for the repair cost. 

Officers responded to the public library after the father of a 15-year-old girl who was a signed runaway located the girl inside and a screaming match between the two ensued between book cases.  After listening to both parties vent about the other, it was agreed that the girl would go to her grandmother’s house for a cooling off period.  The girl’s runaway status was cancelled.

A cell phone and charger were reportedly stolen from a motel room in the 3400 block of Commercial Avenue.  The victim said that he had actually found the phone in the rental car he was using and had earlier been trying to obtain information from the phone to determine the owner.  The thief is unknown.

A car driven by a Lynden woman that was stopped for the red light on State Route 20 at Thompson Road was rear ended by a silver and gray colored full size van driven by an unknown male driver.  The male driver stopped for a moment, but then drove away before providing any information to the woman.  The woman’s car sustained approximately $1,500 in damage.  She was unable to obtain the correct license number on the van. 

A passing motorist picked up a 44-year-old Eastsound woman on the side of State Route 20 west of the Farmhouse Restaurant and brought her to the Anacortes Police Department.  The motorist said that the woman appeared to be injured and was moaning, walking with only one shoe on, and had blood on her arm.  An officer also saw two fresh bite marks on the woman’s arm and thigh.  The woman said that her boyfriend was responsible for her injuries, but she did not give details.  The woman was taken to the emergency room where a Skagit County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to take over the investigation as the incident occurred outside of Anacortes. 

Tuesday, April 20

A school bus with 34 kids on board made a right turn from J Avenue onto 15th Street and struck a parked car causing significant damage to the car.  Three children were slightly injured and all of the kids were then transferred to another bus.  The involved bus sustained minor damage. 

A 36-year-old Hope Island man is suspected of assaulting his sister at a parking lot in the 7600 block of State Route 20.  The 2 had reportedly been arguing which resulted in the man punching and shattering a window to a car in which the woman had been seated.  The woman said that she then exited the vehicle and that her brother shoved her to the ground causing her to strike her head.  The woman had a visible abrasion to her scalp and she complained of hearing loss.  Attempts to locate the brother were unsuccessful, but he faces possible charges of domestic violence assault and malicious mischief. 

A 24-year-old Edmunds man was arrested on two misdemeanor warrants and a felony warrant for a previous violation of a court order after an officer recognized the man walking on Commercial Avenue.  The man was booked into the county jail.  

A Yamaha 15 horsepower outboard motor was reported stolen off of a dingy to a boat moored at a marina in the 2400 block of T Avenue. The motor was valued at approximately $2,800.

Wednesday, April 21

Police responded to a marina in the 3000 block of Oakes Avenue after it was reported that 2 unwanted men were trying to get on a boat moored at the marina to collect money owed to them by a man staying on the boat.  The 2 unwanted men had reportedly been pounding on the doors and windows of the boat demanding that the man pay them the money he owed.  The 2 unwanted men left prior to officer’s arrival, but the 33-year-old man living on the boat was found trying to hide in the bilge as he had several warrants for his arrest.  He was arrested on the warrants and turned over to an Oak Harbor Police officer for booking as one of the warrants was from their jurisdiction. 

A sandwich board style sign advertising services at a local church was stolen from the intersection of 32nd Street and D Avenue.  There are no suspects at this time.  

A 15-year-old boy and his father argued at a home in the 1400 block of 34th Street and the boy allegedly became so angry that he asked his father to go outside and fight.  The father refused to engage in a physical altercation, but he did volunteer to leave for the night to allow time for the son to cool down. 

A 19-year-old Bow man and a 19-year-old Mount Vernon woman were contacted in a vehicle at the Cap Sante lookout after the park was closed for the night.  The officer smelled the odor of marijuana coming from the car.  The man denied anyone had been smoking marijuana, but the woman told another officer they had smoked marijuana earlier.  When told of this, the man admitted to smoking the drug, but he would not consent to a search of his vehicle and told the officers he did not believe they could get a search warrant.  The man’s vehicle was then impounded and a telephonic search warrant was obtained.  During the search, officers located two baggies of marijuana and a marijuana smoking pipe.  The man was then issued a court summons of possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia and advised he could retrieve his car at the police station.

Thursday, April 22

An office contacted a 19-year-old Anacortes man walking in the 400 block of T Avenue after confirming the man had a warrant for his arrest for a previous possession of marijuana charge.  The man was arrested on the warrant and during a search of his backpack the officer located a marijuana smoking pipe and a package of bottle rockets.  The man was issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia and illegal possession of fireworks, and issued a new court date on the warrant prior to his release. 

A Yamaha outboard motor that had been attached to a dinghy at a marina in the 2400 block of T Avenue was reported stolen.  The motor had reportedly been padlocked to the dock and the dinghy.  The loss was estimated at $2,000. 

A 13-year-old boy was booked into juvenile detention on domestic violence malicious mischief charges after her allegedly threw a temper tantrum and punched and broke his grandmother’s flat screen television at a home in the 700 block of Q Avenue.  The boy also smashed the remote control as he was allegedly upset about having to live in the basement. 

A Millermatic wire feed electric welder valued at $600.00 and a Miller 220 volt electric welder valued at $1,500 were reported stolen from a detached garage at a home in the 800 block of 27th Street.  There was no sign of forced entry into the garage.  The victim said that he knew of someone who might be responsible for the theft, but that he did not want the police to contact the person at this time.