The Police Blotter, April 10, 2010

On Tuesday, April 6, an off-duty police officer saw a woman seated in the driver’s seat of a parked car in the 4400 block of Cherry Lane who appeared to be unconscious and stopped to check her welfare.  The officer was able to wake her as an on-duty officer arrived.  The woman smelled strongly of intoxicants and her speech was slurred.  She was identified as a 39-year-old Anacortes resident.

The woman initially said that she hadn’t been drinking much, but when asked what she had been drinking, she answered “everything.”  It was learned that the woman was on her way home from the liquor store when she pulled off the road and passed out.  After performing poorly on field sobriety tests, she was arrested for being in physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence.  During the processing, she provided breath samples that were approximately 4-and-a-half times the legal limit.  She was cited and released to her husband.   

Here are some of the other cases that Anacortes Police worked on this week.

Friday, April 2

A women’s black Schwinn bicycle with pink writing valued at $50 and a men’s black Specialized bicycle valued at $100 were reported stolen form a carport in the 2700 block of Oakes Avenue. 

Saturday, April 3

A Port Townsend woman reported that her 31-year-old son had assaulted her while she was visiting him at his apartment in the 1100 block of 24th Street.  The woman said that he son became verbally abusive towards her after she had asked for the return of some money she had loaned him and his girlfriend.  The woman said that her son had allegedly sat on her on a couch and punched her in the face several times.  The woman had some redness to her face.  The matter is under further investigation.   

A 37-year-old woman was arrested at her home in the 800 block of 32nd Street after she allegedly hit her husband in the face which caused a small cut to his nose.  The woman also allegedly threw several pots and pans throughout the kitchen and threw and shattered a mirror during the course of an argument with her husband.  The husband said that the argument ensued when he tried to stop his wife from leaving the house with the car keys as he believed she was drunk.  The woman was booked into jail on domestic violence assault and malicious mischief charges.        

A 25-year-old Sedro-Woolley woman was arrested for drunk driving after an officer stopped the car she was driving for weaving several times over the fog line on 12th Street.  The woman smelled strongly of alcohol, had glassy eyes, slurred speech, and appeared somewhat confused.  The woman said that she had 2 shots of whiskey earlier.  The male owner of the vehicle and the woman’s 7-year-old son were also passengers in the car.  After failing field sobriety tests, the woman provided breath samples that were over two and a half times the legal limit.  She was issued a citation for DUI. 

Sunday, April 4

An officer stopped a pickup driven by a 35-year-old Seattle man for speeding on Commercial Avenue in the downtown area.  The man smelled of intoxicants and had slurred speech and bloodshot eyes.  The man said that he had “a couple.”  The man’s driver’s license was also suspended for unpaid tickets.  The man failed field sobriety tests and was placed under arrest.  During the DUI processing, the man said that he had had “4 or 5 drinks” over the past few hours and that he had made a “mistake” by driving.  He provided breath samples that were significantly over the legal limit.  He was cited for DUI and Driving While Suspended and released.   

An 84-year-old woman reported that she had been bitten by a neighbor’s dog while she was checking on property she owned in the 1900 block of 23rd Street.  The woman said that she had tried to shoo the dog out of her yard, but that the dog had bitten her on the back of her leg when she had turned her back.  The bite did puncture her skin.  The dog owner told the officer that her neighbors always “lied” about her dog being loose and barking.  The officer then informed the dog owner that the dog had been outside of its fenced yard and acting very aggressive towards the officer when the officer had stopped by the owner’s house earlier.  The owner was informed that she needed to quarantine the dog and that the Animal Control Officer would be following up on the complaint. 

A security guard found a Jet brand “Bobcat” 200 cc dirt bike in the grass on the property of an industrial company in the 800 block of 4th Street.  Using the license information, officers were able to locate the owner who lived in the 900 block of 4th Street.  The owner said that the bike should have been parked on the side of her house and determined that someone had taken it without permission.  The bike’s ignition had been tampered with and was damaged.  The suspect is unknown at this time.      

A tire on a pickup parked at a home in the 1600 block of 12th Street was slashed and ruined.  The damage was estimated at $200. 

The owners of a trailer in the 4200 block of Fidalgo Bay Road returned home and found someone had entered the home through an unlocked sliding door.  They then discovered a Sony DVD player and approximately $10 in loose change had been stolen from the home.  The unknown burglar also rummaged through some drawers in the house. 

Monday, April 5

An 8-horsepower Yamaha outboard motor and gas tank were stolen off of a boat that had been moored at a marina in the 1100 block of Q Avenue for a recent fishing derby.  The loss was estimated at $2,500. 

Tuesday, April 6

An employee of a church in the 1200 block of M Avenue arrived at work and found that several doors and cupboards inside the building had been damaged by being pried.  Several doors that were normally locked were found opened.  Two wooden collection chests had also been pried and damaged, but no money was missing as they had been emptied earlier.  Upon initial inspection, the church staff said it did not appear that anything was missing from inside the building.  Repair costs were estimated at over $1,000.  It was unknown how entry was made into the building. 

A resident of the 2200 block of 18th Street reported that someone had stolen outgoing mail he had placed in the mailbox at the front of his home.  The missing mail included 3 checks the victim had written to pay bills.  The victim closed his checking account and will notify police of any fraudulent activity. 

A 16-year-old girl was booked into juvenile detention for domestic violence assault after she allegedly pushed and struck her mother with her fists at their home in the 4000 block of Robin Court.  The mother was knocked backwards over a shoe rack and onto the floor.  The girl reportedly lost control of her temper while trying to grab a purse from her mother’s hands. 

Officers responded to a domestic disturbance at a home in the 700 block of 35th Street involving a 31-year-old man and his 22-year-old girlfriend.  It was learned that a verbal argument had escalated into a physical fight between the two on their bed.  Although their stories differed, the woman allegedly jumped on the man and scratched his face which resulted in him punching her in the nose.  They both agreed that the woman then grabbed a broom and hit the man.  The man had visible scratches on his face and the woman had a bloody nose.  The woman also allegedly broke the man’s phone while he was calling the police.  It was determined that both parties had actively assaulted the other and both were arrested.  The woman was booked into jail for domestic violence assault and interfering with the reporting of domestic violence, and the man was booked for domestic violence assault and possession of drug paraphernalia after he admitted to owning two marijuana smoking pipes that were in plain view inside of the home.      

Wednesday. April 7

A car was reported stuck in a ditch in the 3700 block of W. 3rd Street with people yelling.  The car had managed to move out of the ditch after allegedly using some fence boards torn from a fence in the area prior to officer arrival.  An officer located the car and stopped it in the 2200 block of 15th Street and the 20-year-old driver claimed he had “found” the fence boards already broken.  The man was issued a citation for malicious mischief.  A 19-year-old Anacortes man who was a passenger in the car was arrested for violating a domestic violence protection order that prohibited him from having contact with a 19-year-old woman who was also a passenger in the car.  He was booked into jail.     

Thursday, April 8

An officer stopped a car driven by a 22-year-old Anacortes man in the 1300 block of 19th Street for speeding and failing to use his turn signal.  The driver’s license was also suspended and he admitted that he had been trying to avoid the police because he had warrants for his arrest. The man smelled of alcohol and showed other symptoms of intoxication and admitted he had a “couple of beers.”  When the man opened his glove box for his insurance paperwork, an officer saw a marijuana smoking pipe inside.  The man handed the pipe to the officer and he was placed under arrest.  The man also told the officer he was “drunk.”  He was processed for DUI and provided breath samples that were three times the legal limit.  The man was booked into jail for DUI, driving while suspended, and possession of marijuana. 

Outgoing mail containing the homeowner’s insurance information was reported stolen from a mailbox in the 1800 block of 37th Street. 

An Acer laptop computer valued at $400, a Nikon camera valued at $500, and a Sony Play Station 3 game system were reported stolen during a burglary at an apartment in the 900 block of 27th Street.  One of the renters had returned home and found a screen had been removed from an unlocked bedroom window.  It was believed entry had been made through the window.  The crime is under further investigation.

A 65-year-old woman was transported by paramedics to the emergency room for evaluation and treatment after she was initially found unconscious inside of a motor home in the 2800 block of Morton Avenue.  Officers had received information that the woman had possibly taken several pills with the intention of harming herself.  The woman regained consciousness when paramedics arrived and was able to answer a few questions. 

A 19-year-old Anacortes man who was already in jail for violating a domestic violence no contact order was charged with another count of violating the order after he allegedly made five calls to the protected woman from the jail.  The jail staff confirmed the phone calls and it was requested the woman’s phone number be blocked.  A criminal citation was faxed to the jail for service on the man. 

Friday, April 9

A resident of the 1000 block of 34th Street called 911 to report that he was intoxicated and that his girlfriend would not allow him to sleep in their bed.  The girlfriend confirmed the man had come home intoxicated at a very late hour and that she told him to sleep somewhere else.  No crime occurred and the man agreed to sleep elsewhere.