(City of Anacortes photo by Eric Shjarback)
Repairs to the Tommy Thompson trestle across Fidalgo Bay are nearing the final phase. City Parks Director Gary Robinson told the City Council Monday night that he hopes that repair work will be done by mid-May.
Robinson said fundraising has been going well. “The community has responded greatly,” and the city has $285,000 pledged or committed from the community, the county and the state.
Robinson added, “Expenses have consistently been less than we thought they would be.” He said he expects the costs will come in very close to the amount pledged.
Culbertson Marine is expected to wrap up putting trusses in place, possibly by the end of this week, Robinson said. Then Strandberg Construction will add joists. Assistant City Engineer Eric Shjarback said Strandberg wants to push to complete that job by the end of next week. After that, the city will use volunteers, primarily from the two refineries and construction crews to lay the new decking.
Mayor Dean Maxwell said at the meeting that “We’ll put in some security and hopefully won’t have a problem again.” He was referring to the fire that damaged a large section of the trestle last October. No cause was every found.
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