The Planning Commission members had few reservations and voted Monday to okay the MJB proposal for the boat launch and pier, which is designed to hold up to 14 boats of up to 45 feet long.
One person, Lester Cole, urged the Planning Commission to require the boat ramp be open to the public because of the pent-up demand for a drive-in boat launch facility on Fidalgo Bay. His was the only testimony other than a city official and a representative of MJB.
During the public hearing, it was revealed that the small area for the driveway and a 14-space parking lot was under investigation by the state Department of Ecology as a possibly contaminated site.
DOE is expected to do some test drills to see how widespread the contamination is. Depending on their results, this project may be revised or delayed if DOE requires remediation work. Or, the project may go ahead if DOE hasn’t completed its investigation.
Editor's note: Earlier I erroneously reported that this permit would go to the City Council, but I'm told that's not the case and that Planning Commission action is final. - Art