Council approves conservative budget and levy hike

The Council approved the $37,883,397 budget and one percent levy hike at their Monday night meeting. The one percent levy hike will net the city $41,119.93 in additional income.

The budget represents a 16 percent cut from the current budget. Council Member Brad Adams made the only comment when he called it a "fiscally responsible budget" as he moved to approve it.

There was no testimony when the City Council held a public hearing on the budget in September. At that time, Mayor Dean Maxwell said "This budget is fiscally conservative and reflects these challenging economic times, while maintaining the high level of service consistently provided to our citizens."

Despite the reduced operating budget, the city will go ahead with a number of capital improvement projects, including spending $1 million for design and planning for an expansion of the city's water treatment plant.

Also on the drawing board for next year: the Ship Harbor Interpretive Trail near the WSF ferry landing, and an upgrade of Pennsylvania Ave, which will provide a connection between Jasper Way and Anacopper Mine Road.