Community Garden goes 'accessible'

The new beds are already in use by new gardeners. The boxes are surrounded by packed gravel, a surface that allows ease of access for wheelchairs and walkers. Packed gravel pathways also lead to the storage area.

In addition, the city Parks Department established additional parking nearby and built new holding bins for wood chips and compost outside the garden fence, convenient for deliveries of materials. The new facilities were planned with help from Anacortes Barrier Busters, who lent expertise on ADA accessibility requirements.

The new facilities are possible because of contributions by: Azusa Farm and Gardens; and the Anacortes Kiwanis Sunrisers for their financial donations. In addition, an enthusiastic crew from the Mt. Vernon office of the Washington Conservation Corps (AmeriCorps) completed an amazing amount of work—extending the garden area fencing, creating pathways, and building two raised beds—in the 6 days of labor they donated to the garden.