Friday, September 27, 2024
An officer was patrolling the city and noticed a man sleeping in an alley near a fuel station. Officers identified him and learned from dispatch that he had warrants out of the Anacortes Municipal Court for possession of a controlled substance and second-degree criminal trespass. Officers placed him under arrest and transported him to jail.
Dispatch advised of a theft complaint in the 900 block of 11th Street. The reporting party told dispatch that a man had attempted to take groceries, which were recovered by the store. Officers reviewed video footage and collected a receipt for the attempted theft. Officers located the man in the 2300 block of Commercial Avenue and contacted him. Officers placed him under arrest and asked him why he was on video pushing the full cart out of the store. He said he had been unsuccessful and that they had gotten their stuff back. He said he went into the store to get something to drink, and old habits kicked in. The total value of the items the man attempted to steal was more than $1,370. Officers cited him for felony theft of property exceeding $750 in value and for second-degree theft.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
The reporting party requested a welfare check on a female laying in the grass near the ferry terminal ticket booth. An officer contacted the woman, who said she was staying nearby to catch a ferry in the morning. She refused services and an offer to take the next ferry. She said she did not need assistance and moved along on her own accord.
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Dispatch advised that a woman was requesting a phone call regarding an ongoing issue with her garage door keypad cover being flipped up. She advised that she moved into the house this year and that she found her keypad cover flipped up on a regular basis. She does not know who is doing this, but she said she believes the thefts were happening overnight. The officer let the graveyard shift know about the issue and requested extra patrols.
Monday, September 30, 2024
An APD officer recognized a vehicle previously described as being involved in a drive-by shooting in Mount Vernon. The vehicle was driving east on Highway 20 from Thomson Road. After coordinating a high-risk vehicle stop with the assistance of Swinomish Tribal Police and an additional Anacortes unit, officers attempted to stop the vehicle on SR-20 near Higgins Airport Road. The vehicle initially pulled over, and as officers exited their vehicles, fled eastbound toward Interstate 5. The assistance of other agencies, including the Washington State Patrol, had already been requested prior to attempting a stop. The Anacortes and Swinomish Police pursued the shooting suspect. Shortly after entering northbound Interstate 5, and once sufficient WSP units were involved, Anacortes and Swinomish officers relinquished their involvement in the pursuit to WSP. Troopers continued the pursuit northbound on Interstate 5, and were eventually able to safely utilize Stop Sticks and other pursuit intervention tools to safely stop the vehicle in Bellingham. The suspect was taken into custody and turned over to the Mount Vernon Police Department.
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
There was a report of a loud siren going off in the 5200 block of Maritime Court. Officers contacted the reporting party and informed her that the siren was coming from her home. She advised that her cousin lived downstairs, and upon checking on her, discovered that her alarm clock was going off, which she was sleeping through.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
There were numerous reports of political signs being stolen from Anacortes residences. Officers documented each theft.
Thursday, October 3, 2024
An Anacortes woman called to report that the woman for whom she is a caregiver had recently been involved in a gift card scam. She reported that the woman was purchasing gift cards after a suspect told her she had won $750,000 and needed to complete a few tasks to obtain her winnings. One of these tasks was to obtain gift cards and provide them to the person conducting the scam. The woman advised that she had purchased gift cards but had not provided their information to the scammer. The officer documented the fraud.