On most Sundays, partisan political protestors gather at 12th and Commercial. This past Sunday, Police investigated new graffiti at the corner. On Sept. 8, dispatch advised of a malicious mischief complaint in the area of 12th Street and Commercial Avenue. The reporting party directed the responding officer toward several locations on the sidewalk that had been tagged with graffiti. A nearby light pole had also been tagged. The estimated cleanup cost was $800. The responding officer checked nearby businesses for cameras; the investigation continues.
Here are some other cases, that police investigated.
Friday, September 6, 2024
An Anacortes woman reported that her son had keyed her car and spit in her face. She said he left the residence after that. Officers responded and observed a man who met the suspect’s description. They contacted him and positively identified him as the reporting party’s son. An officer contacted the son, who denied spitting or doing any damage to anything. Officers learned from the reporting party that they had scuffled over a TV remote as each tried to gain possession of the remote, and she said the man had broken a hula doll, which he admitted to breaking. The woman reported that the suspect had also scraped her car but did not witness him do the damage. An officer provided the man with a domestic violence resource pamphlet.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
A woman came to APD reporting that she had found a purse. An officer contacted her and retrieved the purse. The responding officer later received a call from the owner of the purse, who asked if a purse had been found. The officer advised her that her purse was at the APD, as determined by her driver’s license inside the purse. She retrieved it a short time later and confirmed that everything was still in the purse.
Monday, September 9, 2024
The reporting party advised that there were items in the trash near his location in the 1000 block of 17th Street that smelled like decomposing flesh. An officer checked the area and did not notice any particular smells of that nature.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
An officer was dispatched to a vehicle prowl complaint in the 1400 block of 41st Street. The reporting party advised that her vehicle had been prowled. She reported that her vehicle was parked the previous night and that she found the door ajar that morning. She advised that items had been rifled through and later discovered that a phone had been taken. The responding officer had responded to a previous call in the 3800 block of S Avenue in which the doors on two vehicles were left wide open. The officer viewed footage from the reporting party of two male subjects associated to the prowl. The officer documented the theft and collected the video footage.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
An officer was dispatched to a reported fraud complaint taking place in the 3600 block of M Avenue. The reporting party advised that she wanted to report a fraud. The advised that she received an email purportedly from Amazon advising her that a $1,400 charge had been made on her account. She spoke with a subject who said she had a warrant out for her arrest and that an FBI agent would be showing up at her residence to arrest her. She was directed to buy gift cards and provide the access codes to the person on the phone. She purchased $200 in gift cards and provided the man with the card codes. She said that after doing this, she didn’t hear from the man again. She advised that she did not give away any personal or bank account information. The officer provided her with a case number for her records.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Officers were dispatched to an assault complaint at a business in the 900 block of Commercial Avenue. The reporting party reported two female subjects in an altercation, with the aggressor being a woman who started to record and shove another woman who had her kids with her. Officers contacted both subjects. The alleged aggressor said that every time she sees these people in town, she comes out and calls them out because they are street scammers. She said she is a citizen of Anacortes and that she was concerned about her community because she believed the woman and her family are part of an organized crime unit. Officers learned from the other woman and her children that the woman had walked up holding her cell phone, took the sign the woman was holding and pushed the woman. The woman holding the sign said she did not wish to pursue charges. Officers counseled the woman about her inappropriate behavior and said instigating a confrontation was not the right method to address the matter and suggested alternate means.