Finding extraordinary in the ordinary

With a sophisticated eye, Grover illuminates our material world of work, play and being through common objects and scenes of everyday life. Painted in bright acrylics, Grover’s forms are at once exaggerated and chunky.  But upon further inspection, their simplicity reveals a fine tuned craftsmanship, an execution of perspective that conveys activity unseen.

New to Grover’s work this year are black and white drawings made from ink and the correction fluid Wite-Out. Drawn while the Grovers vacationed in Mexico, these works were crafted from pads of watercolor paper, an assortment of fiber-tipped pens and tubes of correction fluid – whatever Grover could find on hand as his acrylics were not workable in the dry, high altitude heat. Grover’s compositions reflect what he saw while spending time in a city park.

Max Grover is best known for the colorful, playful paintings he shows in West Coast galleries. He has illustrated many children's books and his imagery is featured on greeting cards, posters, and promotional material for many prestigious organizations and non-profit foundations.

Max's primitive, naive painting style is full of charm and whimsy. As a painting teacher and public speaker, Max shares his secrets of finding the extraordinary in the ordinary with both children and adults. Max Grover lives and paints in Port Townsend.