
Costly campaigns and big spenders: Where money is flowing in WA’s elections


Donations of a few bucks to several grand continue to flow into candidate and political committee coffers ahead of next Tuesday’s election.

Police Blotter, October 18 - 24, 2024


This week, Anacortes officers investigated a hit-and-run collision, dealt with yet another cyberfraud complaint, as well as other events.

Easy Guide to Voting in Skagit County


Voting is your right as an American, and it’s essential to have access to accurate information about how to cast your vote, where to go, and what’s on the ballot. We've got straight-forward information here.

Presidential Election Puts Affordable Care Act Back in the Bull’s-Eye


The outcome of the upcoming presidential election could affect the number of insured Americans, the fate of premium-reducing subsidies, the shape of Medicaid, and the cost of coverage for tens of millions of people.

The ‘Big Dark’: How Washingtonians weather the gloom & gray


As the daylight hours turn short, Puget Sound area residents recommend staying social, getting outdoors and learning to embrace the drear.

Threatening ‘the enemy within’ with force: Military ethicists explain the danger to important American traditions


Trump wanted to turn the US military on American citizens while he was president. He has increaslngly said he would do so if he wins the White House in 2024.

WA paid family leave premiums are going up


Washington workers could see a bigger chunk of their paychecks going toward Paid Family and Medical Leave next year.

Washingtonians work to bridge the political divide with loved ones


As election night and the holidays approach, experts discuss how political differences can cause conflict and how to have productive talks instead.

Police Blotter, October 11 - 17, 2024


An Anacortes Police officer investigated the attempted theft of a political sign. The attempt may have been foiled in an unusual way. This and other investigations this week.

Hikes: Nine Years, 75 Years, since time Immemorial

2024 1017 hikes1

I walked south along the beach, a heron wading slowly in the dark waters. A thick wrack line of seaweeds and salt plants mingled at the high tide line.