Anacortes Police arrested a 16-year-old boy after he eluded them in an 80-mile-per-hour chase on D Ave. last week He just didn’t want to be stopped by police, who ended up chasing him 3 times over 2 days.

One good way to enjoy the summer is to go to the beach. Photographer Steve Berentson found these people at Rosario Beach on Thursday, when the temperature hit 94 in downtown Anacortes.
The state Health Department has closed all Skagit County beaches to recreational shellfish harvesting because toxins have been discovered in the water, according to a news release from the county Health Department.
True to tradition, or is it a myth or just a joke? Summer arrived after the Fourth of July in northwestern Washington. The official high, as recorded at the downtown fire station, went from 68 degrees on the Fourth to 87 Wednesday.
Tickets are now on sale for the expanded Anacortes Arts Festival 2010 Concerts at the Port Series, six concerts featuring some great entertainers, including Maria Muldaur.
Calling the Fourth 'uneventful,' Police Chief Bonnie Bowers said there were no major problems with fireworks. Bowers said Anacortes Police issued one ticket for illegal fireworks and referred a couple of kids to juvenile court.

The Swinomish Tribal Community and the state Parks Department now jointly own and will jointly manage Kiket Island as a public park on the Swinomish Reservation.

Ooohs and ahhhs were a sure sign of approval from people watching the city's fireworks show Sunday night from a field above the middle school. There were showers around all evening, but they seemed to stay away during the fireworks show.
A 62-year-old Anacortes man was cited for discharging a weapon in the city limits and intentionally wounding an animal after he fired 2 blow darts at his neighbor’s dog.

Shoppers look for fireworks on the Swinomish Reservation as the Fourth approaches. The Anacortes Police remind city residents that fireworks are illegal at all times.