Police Blotter, December 7 - 14, 2023

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Dispatch advised that an Anacortes woman was calling to report that she was having a verbal issue with her mother. She stated that her mother wanted her to leave and threatened to call the police but did not, so the reporting party was doing it for her. It was further reported that the mother threw a glass container at her daughter. Officers spoke with both and learned that she had not actually thrown the container but rather dropped it. The daughter left on foot, and the mother was provided with domestic-violence resources.

Friday, December 8, 2023

An officer responded to a report of an ongoing issue with a barking dog in the 4000 block of Broadview Drive. The reporting party said the dog had been barking for an hour. The responding officer contacted the dog’s caretaker and advised that a bark collar may be in order. The caretaker said they would order one that day and apologized for the dog disturbing the neighbor.

An Anacortes woman reported a possible vehicle prowl in the 1200 block of 32nd Street. She told the responding officer that she believed someone had accessed her locked vehicle, as she had noticed that her registration and a pack of Diet Coke were missing. She said there was no damage to the vehicle and that her Ring camera had not captured anything suspicious. The responding officer provided her with a case number and documented the case.

Sunday, December 10, 2023

An officer was dispatched to a reported suspicious complaint in the 5300 block of Ferry Terminal Road. An on-site employee reported an apparently transient person who advised he was from Canada. She later went to her car and discovered some fuel was missing. An officer responded and observed a man walking along Oakes Avenue. His clothing matched the description provided by the reporting party, and the officer spoke to him. He confirmed he had spoken to the reporting party and asked where the nearest bar was. He said he had received gas from someone the day before, which the responding officer was able to confirm. There was, however, no means to identify who had taken gas from the reporting party’s vehicle.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Officers responded to a reported assault complaint taking place at a store in the 1100 block of 12th Street. The reporting party advised that a customer had thrown something at him and done damage to the store. The employee advised that the man is a store regular who had entered the store in a bad mood. He was aggressive while checking out, and after the employee asked him to calm down, he pushed a merchandise display to the ground before leaving. The store did not wish to pursue charges but wanted the individual trespassed if he could be identified and contacted.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Dispatch advised of a theft complaint in the 1500 block of 16th Street. The reporting party advised that he had discovered the fuel door of his vehicle open and the gas cap removed and laying on the ground. Less than five gallons of fuel had been taken. There was no damage to the truck, and the reporting party just wanted to make police aware that fuel thefts are occurring in his neighborhood.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Dispatch advised of a burglary complaint in the 800 block of 5th Street. The reporting party reported that someone had entered the facility and taken cookie containers and basins. The total value of the stolen items was about $108. Extra patrols were requested in the area.