The derelict tug Enchantress was demolished and removed from Fidalgo Bay today. There seemed to be only a handful of onlookers for the process, which took much of the day.
The derelict tug Enchantress was demolished and removed from Fidalgo Bay today. There seemed to be only a handful of onlookers for the process, which took much of the day.
The City Council continued their department-by-department review of the city budget Monday night, focusing largely on the Public Works Department.
Another exciting thriller from Portland author Chelsea Cain is out. The New York Times said "Lurid and suspenseful with well-drawn characters, plenty of grisly surprises and tart dialogue, it delivers."
The state Transportation Department has released new details about their plan for a roundabout at Sharpe’s Corner and have scheduled an open house to show the plan to the public.
Anacortes’ European-style bakery, La Vie en Rose, will shut down at the end of next week after 16 years in business. The culprit: rising prices of natural gas, fuel, wages and ingredients.
The City Council has approved permanent new zoning restrictions in the Old Town area of Anacortes. The permanent ordinance, approved Monday evening, will replace interim controls approved last December.
City Council member Brad Adams gets ready to serve a hot dog at the Farmers Market. Adams and his wife, Ruth Ann, bought the mobile hot dog stand recently and started serving at the market.
A 59-year-old Anacortes man was injured when he narrowly missed hitting a deer on D Avenue on Friday. He apparently swerved to avoid the deer that had crossed the road in front of him.
Fidalgo Medical Associates, long located immediately adjacent to Island Hospital, is being purchased by the Hospital. The private medical clinic includes ten physicians and three advanced registered nurse practitioners.